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Las introducciones


Style: Instruction

Name of Video: Saludos, despedidas y presentaciones con preguntas

Topic: Greetings


Suggested Level: Spanish 1

Listening Video: Saludos 2 Spanish: Here is a listening activity with a pre-listening and post-listening task. The listening activity is DIFFERENTIATED according to levels of difficulty (challenging, standard and remedial). The post-listening task has students work in groups of two or three and create their own dialogues. Everything's written in Word so you can edit as necessary. Great for Spanish 1!

Stations Activities

Stations Activity for Introductions and Basic Dialogues in Spanish: Here's an stations activity where students can use their knowledge of basic Spanish introductions and dialogues to correct flawed dialogues. In small groups, students will visit 6 different stations, identify the problem with each dialogue and correct the problem. Each student will have a particular responsibility (writer, ideas person, time recorder) in each group, so EVERYONE will have a job. There is even a bonus activity where students identify whether a question is formal or informal. The whole activity is written in Word, so you can edit it to meet the needs of your students. Great for students new to Spanish!

Communicative Activities

Dialogue: Greetings, Questions and Goodbyes in Spanish: Here is a series of activities that teach students basic vocabulary for greetings, a few basic questions and goodbyes. There is a warm-up, instruction on key vocabulary, an activity where students reorganize a dialogue to make it properly structured, and an activity where students correct a different dialogue and then answer questions about it. It's all written in Word, so you can edit it as necessary. Great for students brand new to Spanish!


Test/Assessment: Introductions in Spanish: Here's an assessment or test for the theme of introductions in Spanish. There are three sections: a dictation, a reading of a dialogue with questions, and a section where students write their own dialogue. The activities for the introductions theme I've created (also available on Teachers Pay Teachers) are a great way to prepare students for this test. This test is written in Word, so you can edit it to meet the needs of your students. Great for beginner students in Spanish 1!


Bundle 1: Introductions mini-unit in Spanish


Here is Bundle 1 for the theme of Introductions in Spanish.


This bundle includes:

  • AUTHENTIC listening activity, DIFFERENTIATED with 3 levels of difficulty, with a pre-listening and post-listening task,

  • Dialogue Study with a warm-up, an area for taking notes (for a 5-10 minute instruction session), a disorganized dialogue to correct, and other activities to practice,

  • Stations or Centers Activity with a warm-up, 6 centers or stations, and a post-activity,

  • Quiz 1 on Las introducciones, with a dictation, reading section, and dialogue creation section, and

  • A Mindmap exercise that can be used at any time to review key vocabulary for the theme




All videos and other resources are located at:


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